Online Membership Application

Apply for membership online. After filling out the form, you will be taken to another page where you can enter your payment information.

Your Full Name

Your Email

Your Address


Please tick any boxes that apply to you
I am dyslexicI am related to a dyslexicI am a Teacher/Other Professional (please give detail below)

Payment method
Please indicate your payment method
Online payment (£10/year)Bank Standing Order (£10/year)Cheque (£12/year)

Gift Aid
If you are a UK Income Tax payer, the government's Gift Aid scheme allows us to claim back the tax you have paid on your subscription.
Please tick the box if you would like SDA to treat this and all future subscriptions as Gift Aid donations until you advise us not to. Please tell us if your circumstances change, e.g. if you stop paying income tax.

Data Protection
Your details are held on our database for administration purposes and to advise you of future events. We will not pass your details to any third party.
Please tick the box to confirm you accept this

Solve the puzzle (to prove you're not a robot)

When you submit this form, you’ll be taken to another page to complete your payment. If you don’t get redirected automatically, please click here.