
We have regular meetings on Wednesday evenings - see dates below. They usually take place at:
The Friends Meeting House (in Cedar Road)

However, because of the coronavirus epidemic, all public meetings will take place via Zoom. Please see below for details.

Upcoming Meetings

Wednesday 26th March at 8pm via Zoom

An Overview of Visual Factors related to Reading Difficulties by Professor Bruce Evans

About the talk: The presentation will start with an overview of the role of visual factors in specific learning difficulties, including dyslexia. The controversy surrounding this topic will be discussed, emphasizing the need for conservative clinical practice. The visual conditions that are correlated with dyslexia will be reviewed, including visual stress (corrected with coloured filters), binocular instability and accommodative dysfunction. It will be noted that these conditions are not likely to be major causes of dyslexia but may be contributory factors to reading difficulties in some cases. Other visual factors that are less well established as correlates of dyslexia, such as saccadic dysfunction, will be discussed. Methods of ocular examination to detect the visual correlates of dyslexia will be described, together with treatment options. It is stressed that eye care practitioners do not treat dyslexia but rather treat visual factors that in a minority of cases co-occur with dyslexia.

Speaker: Bruce Evans is Visiting Professor to City, University of London and London South Bank University. He is Fellow of College of Optometrists, American Academy of Optometry, European Academy of Optometry & Optics, and British Contact Lens Association. He has authored 275 publications, including the new (2024) edition of the book Vision, Reading Difficulties and Visual Stress with Professor Arnold Wilkins.

If you would like to join this Zoom meeting, please register in advance by emailing your first name, surname and email address to:

The access details will be sent by email on the morning of the meeting so that you can join the meeting from 7.55 pm.